Infrastructure planning part 4: Accessibility of Public Charging Infrastructure - Not an Afterthought
In this blog we introduce accessibility of public charging infrastructure as an important planning aspect.

Infrastructure planning part 3: League table for residential on-street EV charging by Local Authority in England and Wales
Welcome to the third part of our infrastructure planning series. In this blog, we delve into the complexities of a league table that serves as a barometer for the transition to electric vehicles and the development of the necessary EV charging infrastructure. This league table is tailored to public on-street residential EV charging, with future blog posts set to cover other market segments.

Infrastructure planning part 2: Influence of housing stock on residential EV charging
Matching EV charging infrastructure to customer demand is a pre-requisite to developing a sustainable and commercially viable strategy for local authorities and nationally. In this blog post we will further finesse sociodemographic segmentation in the context of housing to find the best locations for public residential EV charging points in the city of Coventry.

Infrastructure planning part 1: Influence of sociodemographics on residential EV charging
Matching EV charging infrastructure to customer demand is a pre-requisite to developing a sustainable and commercially viable strategy for local authorities and nationally. In this blog post we will use sociodemographic segmentation to help us find the best locations for residential EV charging points in the city of Coventry.

The Crucial Role of Vehicle-to-Everything Technology in Achieving Net Zero Goals
Embedded within the UK’s Net Zero Strategy, the government highlights the promising potential of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, aligning with the escalating proliferation of Electric Vehicles (EVs) across the United Kingdom as we approach the pivotal year 2030 and beyond. In this post, we explore how V2G stands out as a transformative technology capable of bolstering the energy system.